Library Use Policy
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Mutual respect makes it possible for everyone to enjoy the Library. You can do your part by observing these policies.
- Engaging in conduct that interferes with Library operation, disturbs visitors/staff, or disregards instructions given by Library staff is not permitted.
- Unreasonable noise from loud talking, singing, boisterous activity, computers, phones or audio devices is not permitted. Please silence all cell phones
- Clothing is required; shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.
- Unhygienic behavior/activities will not be allowed. Personal odors must not be so offensive that they disturb others. Bathing, shaving, or laundering clothes is not permitted in public restrooms.
- Eating and open food containers will not be permitted in public spaces. Covered drink containers are acceptable.
- A parent/guardian/caregiver over the age of 13 must accompany all children under age 10. The parent/guardian/caregiver must remain in the building. For children under age 7, the parent/guardian/caregiver must also remain in the child’s immediate vicinity/maintain visual contact with the child at all times.
- Smoking or the use of chewing tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vapor devices, or other inhalants is not permitted on Library property.
- Using, possessing, selling or appearing under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is not permitted and will result in removal and possible criminal charges.
- Running, pushing, jumping, rough play, fighting, physical abuse or assault of staff/other users is prohibited and may result in loss of privileges, criminal charges, or both.
- Obscene or abusive language or gestures, and/or the use of racial, ethnic or sexual orientation epithets shall be cause for removal.
- Harassing other Library users or staff, including deliberate, repeated behavior that is intimidating, hostile, offensive or threatening will warrant immediate removal and may result in criminal charges.
- Damaging, defacing, or misusing Library property is prohibited. This includes disabling or unplugging equipment, changing hardware or software, or using a Library computer for purposes not designated by the Library
- Gambling, selling goods or services, soliciting, petitioning, or canvassing of any kind is not permitted on Library property. The distribution or posting of unauthorized material is not allowed.
- No animals other than Service or Emotional Support Animals assisting a person with a disability may be brought into the building.
- Sleeping inside the Library or outside, on Library property, is prohibited.
- Photography and audio or video recording is not permitted. The Library retains the right to record or photograph events or programs with the proper release forms.
- Indecent exposure, lewd behavior, engaging in, or soliciting sexual conduct will result in immediate removal and possible criminal charges.
- Monopolizing library space, equipment or outlets to the exclusion of others is prohibited.
- Blocking or impeding access to interior or exterior walkways, entrances, tables and common areas, physically or with any item is not allowed. The rearrangement of chairs, tables or other furniture is not permitted.
- The Library has the right to remove anyone having no apparent library-related, lawful business in the Library.
Items Prohibited in the Library:
- Luggage of any type
- Containers, carts, oversized bags, bags on wheels, garbage bags, collections of bags in excess of two (2), or any item that exceed 24”x16”x10” in size
- Strollers when not intended for use with small children/infants
- Bicycles or motorized vehicles not intended as mobility impairment aids
- Non-motorized skates, skateboards, and collapsible scooters (except when carried)
- Weapons of any kind
Failure to comply with these Policies may result in a warning, restriction, or termination of library privileges, and/or immediate removal from the Library premises.
For our Computer and WiFi use policy click HERE
The Library Board has the authority to adopt and enforce whatever rules, regulations and policies it deems necessary to maintain an acceptable library atmosphere and effective public library service. The above regulations have the approval of the Allentown Library Board and are reviewed and reaffirmed periodically (Rev. 06/23).